Fixing Issues Before They Happen
Imagine several months passing without having to worry about an IT-related issue. No hassles over software updates or integration, no frustration around downtime and no lost sleep over a security breach. You’re away from the office, feeling confident that your company’s complete IT infrastructure is being fully taken care of.
Our Managed IT services provide your business with continuous management and monitoring of your systems and hardware for a set monthly fee. Depending on your needs we become your virtual CIO, or an extension of your IT department. Not only will we take those tech-related headaches away, but also will free up valuable time for you to focus on your business.
Most IT service companies claim that they customize solutions. We go one step further by letting you pick and choose off our menu of services.
The long and short of it: Our Managed IT services give you the best value for the money. It proactively provides seamless technology integration, updated systems and expert technical support at all times—not just when something breaks.
It meets all of your IT needs, plus increases your team’s efficiency and productivity.
Managed IT Services
Customer support when you need it.
Responsive, personalized support for your business 24/7. Our strong communication skills are critical in resolving issues quickly, and minimizing your staff’s downtime.
Proactive monitoring and remediation of your systems.
Continuous, remote monitoring and preventative maintenance mean we keep your systems running at peak efficiency. We’ll minimize instabilities and help avoid failures that negatively impact your business.
Protect your data and your business.
Ransomware, malware and other threats can sabotage or even permanently damage your business. These disasters are becoming much more common than you may think. We’ll help with the protection and security of your data so that you’ll be prepared for the worst-case scenario.
A powerful, flexible solution to meet your exact business needs.
Cloud services offer a suite of internet-based software and applications that will reduce your operating costs, offer predictable monthly expenditures and drastically improve employee productivity.
Ensure business continuity.
Dramatically reduce your business’s downtime with a disaster plan. Less downtime not only saves you money and stress, but also gets you back up and running as quickly as possible.
Identify network security gaps and protect against malicious attacks.
In the rapidly-changing cybersecurity landscape, regular audits are crucial to find flaws, minimize breach impact and protect against malicious attacks. Our team will expose the network gaps, recommend the right protective tools for your business—and help you implement best practices so you can sleep more easily at night.
Gain valuable insight into your network performance and resiliency.
An objective network audit provided by our team includes a full review of your data environment and infrastructure. We’ll provide a detailed evaluation and recommend how it should be improved to best match your needs and to enable focussed planning for your business’s future.
Remove the time-consuming task of tracking expirations and warranties.
Utilizing the leading IT documentation software, IT Glue, we’ll follow documentation best practices, while eliminating the potential downtime of a license expiration along with the headache of keeping on top of all those different vendors supporting your business technology.